How Do You Spell Horderves?

The reason you’re likely here reading this article is you need to know the spelling of “horderves” and not knowing it, you simply sounded it out. While the word may sound like horderves, this is not the correct spelling. The correct spelling of horderves is hors d’oeuvres. Of course, it’s not always necessary to know …

What Are Transition Words?

Transition words are words or phrases used to link ideas together. They help your reader to see more than one point is important and both should be taken into consideration. They also indicate different ideas in the same paragraph or sentence are related. Let’s get into the different types of transition words to make the …

Are Acronyms Words?

As you know, acronyms are letters or phrases that we often use in the same way as we use words. For example, NATO and NASA are acronyms. You just read each as they stand. Sometimes, acronyms don’t sound quite right when you read then as words. For example, in a sentence about the FDA, you …

How to Write a Review

There are numerous places where you’re only expected to leave a brief comment when you write a review. For example, an Amazon review consists of allocating a star rating and writing anything from a couple of words: “Great product!” to a couple of paragraphs to explain just why you think the product or vendor is …

What Is An Oxford Comma?

There is a lot of confusion when it comes to the Oxford comma and whether or not it should be used. To make matters worse, there was a time when school children were taught they should never use the Oxford comma. That’s no longer the case today. While Oxford commas are strictly optional, different style …

What Are Power Words?

Little words can make a big difference as to how powerful and persuasive your writing is. Although some bloggers have tried to make long lists of power words, almost any word can become powerful. It just depends on how you use it. Power words forge an emotional connection, they indicate action and achievement, or they …

How Long Does It Take to Write a Book?

How long is a piece of string? How tall is a tree? As we so often find, there is no single answer to certain questions, and the question of how long it takes to write a book is one of these. There are so many variables that come into play it would be difficult to …

When Do You Capitalize Seasons?

Sometimes it’s difficult to know whether or not to capitalize certain words. Most of us know the days of the week and the months of the year are capitalized, but what about the seasons? Many people have to stop and think if they’re supposed to capitalize winter, spring, summer and fall (or autumn). It’s the …

The Difference Between Alot, A Lot and Allot

Since there is such a lot of confusion about homonyms (words that are pronounced in the same way but spelled differently such as wether, weather and whether), it’s time to allot the task of explaining this trio to you. That last sentence may already have explained the difference between ‘allot’ and ‘a lot’ quite economically, …

Ten Reasons You Might Want to Create a Random Name

You’re you, and you’re quite happy that way. Why would you want to create a random name for anything or anyone or even for yourself? It’s strange but true: you may well find the need to come up with a random name at some time in your life. There’s a good chance you have made …
