Other Words for “Said”

“Are you crazy?” said Mary.
“Some of the time,” said John.
“Well,” said Mary, “I wish you would give me some warning before you do things like that!”
“I’ll try,” said John.
Then Mary leaned in close and said, “Oh shucks! I love you anyway!”
That’s a whole lot of “said” right there, and it gets repetitive pretty fast, doesn’t it? It becomes essential to have alternatives for the word “said” if you want your writing to sound decent. There are several ways this can be done.
Skip the Bits Outside the Quotation Marks Altogether!
If a conversation involves two people (dialogue), your reader will quickly see the two people are talking. That means that you can introduce your speakers, and then continue the conversation without saying who said what on the assumption your reader will be able to work out who is speaking, at least for a few lines.
Describe Actions Before or After the Quotation Marks
For example: “Oh shucks! I love you anyway!” Mary cuddled closer with a sigh.
In our example, we can clearly see Mary was doing the talking. If John says something next, he’ll get a new paragraph to himself, emphasizing the change of speaker. Voila! Conundrum avoided. “Saying” words have been completely skipped, but we still know who was talking.
Use Words Other than “Said”
Depending on context, there are a whole bunch of alternative words for “said” we can choose. Perhaps Mary’s romantic utterance was:
- Whispered
- Breathed
- Murmured
- Sighed
- Purred
- Blurted
- Gurgled
- Chuckled
- Mumbled
- Warbled
- Simpered
Her opening, “Are you crazy?” could have been:
- Asked (a little weak, but there it is)
- Exclaimed
- Cried
- Yelled
- Squealed
- Screamed
- Shrieked
- Squeaked
- Shouted
- Bellowed
- Roared
- Snapped
- Wailed
- Gasped
- Laughed
- Giggled
- Tittered
- Complained
- Objected
- Protested
- Sobbed
- Groaned
- Grumbled
- Scolded
What’s interesting is all these words imply mood much better than “said” does. Was Mary objecting to John’s actions in a good-humored, frightened or angry way? Your choice of words can tell your reader what her tone of voice was.
And when she told John she loved him anyway, was she feeling romantic or amused? Did she blurt it out unexpectedly, or was she being coy and flirtatious? How did John feel when he responded to her initial protestation? Was he serious or light-hearted?
Changing Moods
Look at how these words change the mood of the conversation:
“Are you crazy?” sobbed Mary.
“Some of the time,” muttered John.
“Well,” Mary complained, “I wish you would give me some warning before you do things like that!”
“I’ll try,” John promised.
Then Mary leaned in close and murmured, “Oh shucks! I love you anyway!”
You should have gained a sense of how the person speaking felt by the way they said it. Now see how changing the “talking” words can change the entire scene:
“Are you crazy?” giggled Mary.
“Some of the time,” chuckled John.
“Well,” Mary laughed, “I wish you would give me some warning before you do things like that!”
“I’ll try,” John grinned.
Then Mary leaned in close and purred, “Oh shucks! I love you anyway!”
Ok, so it’s not great literature. I’d probably have avoided introducing the speaker from about line 3, reintroducing them if the mood changed, or the conversation started to get too long to follow, but you get the idea. Example one is a lovers’ tiff, while example two is a couple having fun together. That’s a big difference, and “said” just wouldn’t have conveyed that.
List of “Said” Words According to Mood
Angry, Tense
- Snapped
- Snarled
- Growled
- Barked (lots of doggy words so far)
- Bellowed (and a moose)
- Roared (and a lion – this one could also imply triumph)
- Grumbled
- Complained
- Objected
- Remonstrated
- Huffed (this one is just mildly exasperated)
- Nagged
- Blustered
- Thundered (and some weather)
- Screamed
- Rasped
- Worried
- Yelled
- Screamed
- Shouted
- Shrieked
- Hollered (a bit of volume in these last few!)
- Seethed
- Ranted
- Fumed
Happy, Amused, Positive
- Laughed
- Chuckled
- Giggled
- Grinned
- Guffawed
- Gurgled
- Joked
- Quipped
- Teased
- Cheered
- Crowed
Certain, Sure, Confident
- Declared
- Asserted
- Announced
- Insisted
- Assured
- Argued
- Bragged
- Boasted
- Stated
- Reassured
- Preached
- Commented
- Remarked
- Confirmed
- Vowed
- Promised
- Observed
Sarcastic, Creepy
- Leered
- Sneered
- Jeered
- Drawled
- Taunted
- Cackled
- Mocked
Asking or Asking for
- Begged
- Pleaded
- Requested
- Questioned
- Queried
- Probed
- Asked (of course)
- Inquired
- Entreated
- Cajoled
- Wheedled
- Faltered
- Stammered
- Stuttered
- Hesitated
- Guessed
- Blurted
- Trembled
- Speculated
Tones other than the ones we’ve already covered (especially the loud ones)
- Whispered
- Murmured
- Hissed
- Trilled
- Sang
- Sniffed
- Snivelled
- Mewled
- Moaned
- Purred
- Sobbed
- Groaned
- Moaned
- Grunted
And we’re just scratching the surface…here are a few more:
- Volunteered
- Lied
- Interrupted
- Interjected
- Exclaimed
- Remonstrated
- Finished
And as for “finished,” I realize this list is far from actually being finished. “Said” is all very well, but with so many more expressive words to choose from, you probably don’t need it! Do you have a favorite word to use other than “said” when you write that’s not listed above? Let us know and we’ll add it to our list.
Great list of awesomely perfect words, thanks for this.
Some good words for said are as following: Whispered, cried, screamed, sobbed, screeched, sang, giggled. Each one produces a different emotion so each one can work in all different situations!
“said” is so boring. It’s like using “very” when describing everything. You can make your stories so much more interesting if you use a little imagination and creativity instead of using “said” all the time.
Ya! I’m writing a story and i found this, and it helps SO SO much!!!
same it helped me so much
same here
definitely not definetly
You sound like me. I always correct my friend on grammar and spelling.
We are like the only people from 2021
nah, 2022
nah 2023
next thing you know it’s 2024 and everyone checking back on this post is like ayyyyyy I made that joke like a year ago
Hehehe I’m still using this link in 2024 when I found it in 2023.
you are a kotlc fan i looooove kotlc it is the best book series ever
Yes. Keefe is my favourite person in the whole series!
i havent finished it yet but its good so far
Oh My Gosh! I love KOTLC, too! Keefe all the way!
Same here, but I’m only on the 4th book
You don’t always have to comment on someone else’s spelling. That’s just the way the spell it .
Yeah, it does! I’m writing a story with my best friend and I had NO IDEA what to say instead of said, and then I found this!! You can guess what happened next! XD
Oh!! I am too, haha! 🙂
I’m writing a story with my friend too! hahaha
I am writing a story with 2 friends and this really helped!
they might already have this one, I don’t think they do though. Exclaimed is a good one
yeah, they do have exclaimed, I agree though! it is a good one!
Do you like Harry Potter Weaslyboy??? I do!
Me too, LizzyCupcakeAuthor12!!
I LOVE the name Harper!
Agreed, my friend told me about this, and this has helped me have a much more interesting story.
I was searching for words to use other than said and came across this. It helped soooooo much
Me too.
Same! 🙂
Same I’m writing an essay it was so boring until I found this
ya, that’s what I’m doing.
Yes! I am writing one based on Greek Mythology.
Greek Mythology is the best! Boy, were they creative.
Yeah! I love their stories, it’s so interesting!
I love the Percy jackson books!
Same! iits sooo good
I’m literally using this for my PJO fanfic
Noice. I love Greek Mythology!
omg same!
yaas greek mythology is the best
Percy Jackson is Greek Mythology it’s the best series ever
me too
I am also writing a story and I kept using the word “said” so I looked this up and it helped.
It helped me to, but I just wanted to say that my name is Lyla too!
IKR I’m writing a book and this helped so much!!!!
I’m writing a book too! so helpful
you are so right! I’m writing on too and this helps lots!
Same! It is a really good source for improvement!
Even though it’s been three years since you’ve commented this, how’s the writing going? Lol
Me too this helps me so much!
i know i am also writing a story too and this helped a lot ty!
i decided to use miraculous stories for that but umm…THANK YOU GOOGLE!!
Same. This has been amazing. It helps me because in the first chapter, I used “said” like 23 times. So I used good ole google and here we are folks
Haha me too! I always have this tab open 🙂
Agreed. See isn’t agreed so much better than said?
I second this. When I found this page, my book went from said said said to She hesitated, then whispered “I know” just to scratch the surface
this helps me a lot when writing my stories. Thx
I’m writing a story,And this really inspired me,To make my book interesting.Thank you 🙂
why is everyone writing stories not like im not…
I too find “very” a dull word. I try to combine very + adjective and use that instead
Said is dead! LOL
omg lol i gonna say that and it rymes too lol
My ELA teacher from last year always said- no, declared that to the whole class when we wrote narratives.
They should make a site for words replacing “very” as well!
I agree Sequoia.
I agree very is extremely plain!
You are soooo right. I find very, very plain!!
SAME! I am writing a story and this REALLY helps!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!
Yes.I agree the best word is begged
true! i bet the people who disliked this comment probably uses said and very all the time lol
Sure does!
Your right, but the good thing about “said” is it’s an “invisible word” meaning the readers don’t really realize the word said unless the word is overused.
Same Im writing a story for fun and it’s called “The orphange” and this help me so much when people start or finish talking.
I am writing a story called Knock Knock Who’s There and it is a graded assignment for school. I used said too much and wanted it to have different words to describe the way they said things.
I think you meant “stated”.
Yeah im writing a horror story called blair high and it helps alot. i wonder if this website has a page for other words for very.
I am writing a horror story too, monster.
That is sooooooo not true, dialoge tags are MEANT to be invisible
It’s true
Same with me! I have 117 pages so far in my book and I need more types on my said problem!
“Said” is literally the worst to use. It really helps ya a lot when you choose good words so you have an awesome story.
It makes it more descriptive and colorful- and even better? It makes us look smart and sophisticated.
I love how everyone here is writing a story
I agree.
Yes, I agree! I use this all the time. My writing gets better each day.
I know!!! What if we teach this to the kindergarteners!
Same. It would be a great idea to teach this to younger generations.
Wait, Harper? My story is about a guy named Harper…
Wow this article is great! I was assigned to find words other than said and this was great! Shout out this was great to whoever made this!
Said is boring (so is math). So is the word very!
Personally, I think it’s okay to use “said” sometimes, if there’s not really any emotion in the scene, and there’s no need to use another word besides “said” to express emotion or characterization. Just, please don’t make it the entire story. Please use other word besides “said”, especially in more intense scenes. It also can help give characterization. I don’t think it’s a problem to use “said”, in a scene were a character isn’t really expressing any type of thing, but if you do have an opportunity to have it be, “slyly”, then that can tell us that the character is, well, sly.
Anyways, still better than, “Ron ejaculated loudly” lol.
So true. I sometimes find it hard to replace said with another word.
So true! I agree!
I agree! It’s better to use other words to substitute because readers can often find themselves getting bored when reading your work if you only use ‘Said’.
Maybe you should put In read, like for example: “Dear Abby” She read.
If you don’t think so, then thats okey!
thank you for this amazing list!!
You said make a novel on how to better express dialouge, or on how to better express one’s writing.
I think You should make a novel on how to better express dialogue, or on how to better express one’s self in writing. ~RoseAngelz
novels are fiction, though. it would be an informational/self-help book rather than a novel.
Actually a novel is a book that is a chapter book, fiction or not.
Sorry I know this is the third time, I’m commenting on this; however this time I’m not a guest. Plus I’m not sure if you got my comment the first two times – no I’m not trying to spam – so I’m gonna comment this one last time.
I think you should make a novel on how to better express dialogue, or on how to better express one’s writing.
Again I’m not trying to spam; it’s just that I’m not sure if you got my comment the first two times.
Well “said” is a rather valuable word when it is used properly, as you can “build up” emotions onto it
exactly like “YAY” Mia said jumping up and down with excitement!
although doing that makes your story longer.
so funny
Btw who is going out and disliking all of these comments?
I know right!
I have no idea but they are very annoying…
No idea. It’s like almost every comment has at least 10 likes. lol
None of these would be a synonym for “said” per se, but all could be used in it’s place given the correct context.
Retorted, responded, replied, shot back, countered.
Mentioned, noted, suggested.
Warned, cautioned, advised, admonished, corrected.
In my English class we have a board with ”Said is dead” and we have to write different words for ”said”, if we do we get a prize so I study different words at home lol
That’s what we do in my English class too!
that’s what we do in mine too!!
that’s what i did in 4th
o yes! I went to a writing camp with a song that goes, like “said is dead, this is the funeral!” lol.
im being forced to do a story but this helps so much!!!
This is so good
Everyone should use these words
This helped me a lot with school work
I want to be a writer, but one of my cons is definitely finding proper words to use instead of “says” or “said”. This has helped me a lot, so thank you very much!
said is sooooo boring
Best website in the WORLD!
I would have to agree with this statement.
I’m 14 and I’m writing a book. I haven’t gone to school to do this kind of stuff, but this was really helpful. Now maybe I can get my book published!
I’m only 11 and writing a book and it’s turning out great! Getting published is my dream, and this site has been really helpful!
Same! I’m writing a book about MAGIC!
maddie me toooo
ooh same. fantasy is so interesting. i was planning on writing a short story but i ended up with a chapter book! and i’m only 11.
I am 10 and planning to get my school story published when me and my friend finish it. I too love fantasy and read that genre
I love books with magic in it
even younger than katie, but apparently reading at a late 10th grade level, and writing a chapter book, this list helps a LOT!
Yeah! I’m writing an 6-8 paragraph essay on a spooky story for Halloween, and this site helped me so much for that reason! Ahhh my essay is so spicy nowww! 😀
I’m 13 and I started writing when I was I think 9 or 10. I have never found a good website that has helped my as much as this one has. I have over 20 books that I am working on and this is one of the things I have troubles with while writing. Thank you so much to whoever posted this site! It’s been a huge help to me.
I am 11 too, I am writing a chapter book and is about mysteries
omg i’m writing a mystery book series too! mystery is full of suspense and i like it
And my dream is the book to get published
YES! I’m only 11 and writing a chapter book! This really helped me. I also really want to get my story published.
woah im 12 and I’m writing a sci fi book :00
Ya, me too! I’m 12 and have been writing a book series since November in 2019. It’s about metamorphosis and people that have metamorphosi forms. This website has really helped to make my stories more innovative! THX A LOT
Have you read Animorphs by K.A. Applegate? Or watched Inhumans or seen the episodes about them on S.H.I.E.L.D?
I’m writing a composition and this really helped! 😀
Hey, I was wondering if you could answer me a question. I am trying to write a book but want an opinion. Horror or Mental Health?
I’m 12 and writing a book about people who can make whatever they imagine come true- kinda like authors. I’m using this for a PJO fanfic I’m writing tho.
we’re all so young, I’m 14 and trying to write a couple stories.
I agree but Im 10 not 14 ha
heh me too :>
but i’m using this for my school compo hw .w.
mate getting ur book published is a BIT too far
you saying that is a little to far
Okay, they were only saying that it is a dream, and you can never go too far with a dream. ‘Cause it might actually come true. Don’t just tell people to give up on their dreams. ‘Cause actually, that’s what I’m working up to. I want to do this for a living, and there is nothing wrong with that. So leave them be to dream and make it come true if they can. And know this: If you fail, try until you succeed. ‘Cause I know that you can do it, as long as you are willing to go through with it.
Uh—– The youngest child to write a published book was a 4-year-old girl named Dorothy in 1964, according to Google, so I think someone my age (ten years old or so) can publish their book.
Yess! Same! writin is my dream and rite now my goal is to not have a SINGLE “said” in my entire story. This helped a lot! Woot woot!
Haha, me too. Said is so overrated when I can use these!
*writing and *right not trying to be rude just correcting you! sorry if this comment sounded rude!
Yes! That’s exactly what i’m doing! I’m also trying to not use a “talking” word more than once!
Yay! I’m 13 and writing a book. This really helps. I love it!!
I’m 10 and writing a book too, my dream is to get published.
Hopefully, your book gets published! 🙂
I teach 10 year olds I have a few students writing books – you go girl!!! You can do it:)
I’m actually 10 but i’m also planning to get a short-ish book published
I LOVE this it helps me with work so much
whoever did this should so get an award as a “thank u 4 all these awesome words!!”
This website helped me with my narrative writing!
Also who is the person/people who keep going around and disliking every single comment? It is just annoying.
I know right? It’s annoying and kind of hurtful for me. At least put a comment that says why you dislike it! Just… don’t use bad words.
Bad words like said or very. 😉
All of these words helped me write my story! I wonder what other words we could use instead of said.
amazing list
Maybe meowed? I know that’s what cats do, and even if you aren’t writing about cats, maybe a person is mimicking one of the cute little felines?
Ooh, admitted is also one. Like, “I guess you were right,” Bob admitted.
I have to write a story (Thanks Covid) and this has been soooo helpful! Gracias! -unknowable
am i the only one here who’s writing a fanfic?
No you’re not . I am writing a fanfic too . lol
And me, a draco Malfoy one 😏
That’s awesome!
I’m thinking of starting a Supernatural fanfic. Do you think I should?
Of course! I honestly love supernateral, and I think that the fanfic ones are the best. I don’t write fanfic though, I only do it in my head or cosplay it with my friends. Good Luck!
Thanks. Also I started a BNHA fanfic with my sister, it’s going well I think.
Yep! Wattpad videogame fanfic writer here ✌
I am doing my school work and it helped so much I got eight lines of speech with this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish you could replace my editor. I’m a new author and my editor just tells me what’s wrong without helping me fix it. I’m glad I found this website.
Good luck with your book! I hope it gets fully published! I’m currently writing a book, at the same time trying to figure out how to publish without spending a TON of money. Good luck!! Hope u get the advice u need
yes i’m writing a book too and this list prevents my story from getting boring…lol
if i do use said i like to put something like
he said with a smile 🙂
I totally agree… sometimes adding just a bit of flavor can make even “said” interesting to read
I’m working on a novel, and this helped so much! What a great website!
I’m writing a short story on the word ridicule and this is really helping TYSM!!
Is there any word for when someone is stern?
Well, when someone is stern, u could use some words (Glared, muttered, forbade) but, what I would recommend is something like this:
“Why did you sneak out tonight?” His mother cried, slamming both her hands on her table. Jake opened his mouth to speak,
“You could have been killed!” Jake winced. He had hoped she wouldn’t find out about that.
“Mom I-”
“No!” she glared at him. Her face straight and void of any laughter. “I don’t want to hear it”
“I’ll do better next time!”
“You’re grounded for a week” he looked up at her in disbelief.
“Grounded? A week?” he began to stand up but his mothers gaze stopped him “Mom, seriously, it won’t happen again! It’s Lila’s birthday on Wendsday!”
“You heard me” her gaze didn’t waver as she stared him down. Jake flopped backward into his chair, defeated,
“Lila’s gonna kill me” he muttered.
You see, sometimes, (I think this was said above) its not better to use dialouge tags. Actions make writing much stronger and less choppy, hope this helps
I love making stories! I’m trying to make one for school, but I was so stuck on what to say instead of said THIS RLLY HELPS
I have to write a story every week for school so I will use this so much thanks!
I think that this website is wonderful! My friend thought writing was hard until we found this!
This really helps make stories more interesting then if you just say said. When you use a little imagination or you find words (like the ones above) to use in your story it really makes a world of difference.
Yes! Exactly, Lauren, have you read Keeper of the Lost Cities? If you haven’t, you really should. Its amazing!
this was very helpful lol. my sister read my narrative and she was like “dude ur in 6th grade i expected more” and i was like “bruh shut up i wanna see u do better” lol
I doubt she could do better. My sister who is 3 years older than me says that, and her writing (sorry sis) sucks!
I am writing a narrative and this list helps me so much! I love all the words that you can choose from! Overall, so helpful!
So helpful thanks a lot, makes my narrative a lot better.
Thank you very much! Our school wanted us to write a story and I absolutely love writing stories but I got a little annoyed when I kept using the word ‘said’ again and again. Just like ‘very’ is used pretty often. These words express emotion into the sentence and make the sentence more longer which for me is a good thing. I really appreciate your help. Thank you so much once again.
I have been writing a book since I was eight years old, and I am now about to turn 14 years old. Many of the chapters were discarded, as I did not like the word choices. I tried using things like thesaurus, and many others, but none worked and none gave me the help I needed personally when trying to use words. What I recommend is opening a google doc (I know that’s what we’re all using, and we learned about it from school), and copying and pasting the words. Of course, label them saying “this is for angry scenes” or something of that sort, but that’s what helps me so I can quickly find a word I’m looking for and I don’t have to scroll past all the passages. Also, it’s much more organized! Happy writing!
Angelic Devil
Thx writing an essay for school and that’s an amaz. idea!!
Thx soooo much Angelic Devil
tg for this! it was so helpful! im writing a piece n this def helped me! tysm!
I think this is helpful even though i knew most of the words it helped me a lot.
tysm! this was so helpful! tg for this! im def going to use this! amaz!
I’m 10 and I’m writing an article about food and this really helped. Thx a lot. Also, Said is the worst word you can use for said. XD
I need this for my story for little kids thank you
This has been SO helpful! I am writing my own little short story in my (little) free time and I have been struggling to find more descriptive words other than the common ones. This website is pretty much a miracle to any other writer out there!
I will say, sometimes when I use the word “said” I like to add a bit of flavor to it, like instead of
Brooke said
You can put more discription onto it like
Brooke said, a grin spreading across her face.
Anyways this was sooo helpful thank you for this amazing site!
Like in the story I’m writing for school about a zombie apocalypse one of my sentences is;
“Alright let’s move on. My name is James, and I am absolutely useless just so you guys are aware.” He nods at the group with a tight smile on his face as everyone starts laughing.
This is a great website to make stories more intresting!
all of these comments make you guys seem like newbie writers (no offense) because it’s really easy to think of words instead of said without searching up websites. And SAID IS NOT BORING. Writing too many complex words, or getting TOO descriptive, will make your writing seem immature and cringy. Just saying. SAID IS A GOOD WORD. it’s classic, and it should be used the most, but just use words like yelled, whispered, etc. to show readers HOW that character said that line of dialogue. You don’t need to go out of your way using the word “expostualted” when you literally can just simply use the word “said”. It’s simple and smart. Period.
Yea, and? To get good at writing, you need to know what words to use. It’s how everybody starts, and nobody should take offense to that. And no, it is not necessarily that easy to just think of words. Writing with “too many” complex words is good, gives the characters tone, and emotions. It makes the characters feel real. We have complex words in our dictionary for a reason, to explain complex feelings. Also, said is not classic. It’s a word, just a simple word. It doesn’t explain much at all. Simpler words should be used, but that doesn’t mean we need to overuse them. Finding more complex words helps make your story not sound dry and boring. It is not simple and smart, it sounds blatantly stupid, and honestly, you sound like a person who doesn’t know much about writing. Thank you.
I think what he means is
“Do you think this is right?” he catechized
“N-no” she blundered
You see? The words are complex and its hard for people to understand. It kind of seems like you don’t know what you’re doing. If you do it like this though
“Do you think this is right?” He demanded, his stern gaze looking into her. Maya shrunk back,
“N-no” she said, hoping that was the right answer. (Or, she said with a stutter/stammer)
if its not boring then why are you even on this website.
Excuse me? Does writing a chapter book seem like newbie writers to you? That comment you just posted might have crushed some of their dreams! I also do NOT allow the word, “cringey,” to be used on comments, chats, etc. etc. It is rude, it is offensive, and like I said before, it will crush other people’s dreams. SO DO NOT USE THE WORD CRINGEY! And yes, you seem like a person who do NOT know about writing at all. You can’t just simply use the word “said.” Didn’t you read this article? Using the word said can be “BORING” and “NOT INTERESTING.” You need to read the article and you can’t judge other people’s comments and what they type and what they think. End of discussion.
Agree and disagree. He was a little rude about it, but like I said in a reply above using too many complex words can actually make writing boring (believe it or not). Said should definately be used many times, but other words are important too! He’s saying don’t get carried away with fancy words! (I know from experience, I used a bunch of words I thought would make me sound sooo good, but after I finished I read it through and it sounded choppy, noobish, and… wrong, somehow.) I think this guy is just trying to save everyone from digging a hole they cant get out of. He could have been nicer about it, but we all make mistakes, (Even if he meant to be rude) I hope my comments helped clear things up with everyone. Said does get boring, DO NOT use it too much. But also DO NOT make your writing completely void of the word. If you want, use adverbs.
“I can help!” She said cheerfully,
I hope this helped! Everyone who is making a book, perservere, u can do anything if u put your mind to it. Get advice from others, read and reread. Your book may someday be a bestseller! Best of luck!
What was the point to make this mean comment Zack? I agree with bree and emma! There is 277 pages in my book, I’m ELEVEN! That sound like a newbie???
Yo. I have written a 30,000 word essay!!! I’ve written more in a book and I’m 12!!! I SO agree with Bree, emma, and DarlingCat11. You are rude and when someone (LIKE YOU) says “No offense”, WERE GONNA TAKE OFFENSE!!! So why are you on this page anyway? to be rude? so take you non-boring said and GET OUT OF HERE.
I have a writing exam tomorrow so thanks a lot
This was very very helpful for my Christmas story. Thanks!
If you want to use an angry one you can also use the word hissed if it helps
Hissed is already up there, just letting you know.
I love this site, thank you,
I am writing a science fiction story and this list helped so much to make my story interesting! LOVE IT! THANKS FOR POSTING IT! – Some 6th grader.
Said is dead don’t kill it more
I absolutely agree with this. Said is not always a bad thing to use.
Th is is AMAZINGLY helpful I am righting school story and this is super great for it
This is super helpful!
Thanks for this list! I’m 11 and this has been incredibly helpful for writing a historical fiction story for school.
Ahaha this is amazing I’m making my own story & there was dialog so I had to find words that are not said this is amazing tbh
I’m writing a story right now about a girl who keeps having nightmares about her past self a.k.a what she’s done in the past only to find out those nightmares are real, and these really worked! Because I have lots of characters in the story and I can’t keep saying said or say
Honestly Ella, That is a good idea but I won’t steal it! I hope that book gets everything it deserves! I am currently the first like on this! Have a good day. (And I feel you, I forget about some characters and then I have to make up an excuse for bringing them back in.) Also, LETS BRING THIS COMMENT TO THE TOP! Hope you all have a nice day!
I have a lot of characters in my story too, (It takes place in a school, so… yeah) But, dont forget to still use said sometimes, (Definately not all the time). (Also, I make separate docs for lists of characters names and traits, just a tip!)
I’m writing a story and this is so helpful!
Thank u this helped so much 🙎🏿😺😾🕺🏾
A few more to intend bragging, or showing off that could be used:
Boast(ed), Crow(ed), Bluster(ed), Swank(ed), Gloat(ed)
Just some examples, not saying they should be added, just trying to be useful for anyone who needs more help with words that aren’t on the list. (at least I don’t think they are on the list lol.)
I’m almost 13 years old and I want to write a book of wizardry (sort o like Harry Potter). Either way, I’m really thankful for this website and this helps me soooooo much with my writing!!! ‘Said’ is like really boring, so tysm!!!
I write a lot of stories as well, and this list makes it so much easier to make intriguing dialogue! Thanks!
Im writing a book called the woman underwater and this is really helping me.
it is better to mostly use said. publishers will riject books that have too much other words instead of said because it is a sign of inexperience! 99% of the time you should use said!
Thanks for the heads up!
I love when actions describe or replace ‘said’! I’m writing a book, so this was extremely helpful.
one like on this comment = one appreciation for this
Best website ever!!!!!
Thank you so much for this website! It helps alot!
This is extremely helpful.
A word a really like to use is Sputter(ed). It might already be up here but if it isn’t here you go.
I need a word to use when someone is scared, any ideas?
Wispered, Breathed, Muttered, Squeaked, Stuttered, Mouthed
Wow this helps so much! Thanks! Using said is so overrated now!
This was soo helpful! Thanks!
This helps so much! Thank you!
This helped me a lot when I was writing a story. I thought using ‘said’ all the time was super boring.
Thank you i was looking everywhere for different saids and i finnaly found one that shows the emotion that the person is feeling when they say that!
Am I the only one that has like 500 books on their computer and each one only has like 60 pages and you only finished like one?
I have like 15 I think. I guess, same!
Im trying to keep myself under control lol
This is so true though, having so many and then having another idea and then failing on finishing your old ones and returning to them years later only to realize they no longer sound fun and trashing them. XD I actually do this all the time.
This helped me so much
I have started my own book series on this website
so thanks a lot
This is sooo awesome I’m in middle of a story and i feel like I need to go back and change all my previous saids 😂
Love this!
Though saying “said” can get a little boring, simply replacing them with action words is a no no. Said is really just a dialogue tag, not your chance to get creative or descriptive. If someone “said” something, you can say they “giggled it.” Amateur mistakes 101.
If you find yourself looking for words to replace said because you’re using it too many times, it’s a sign that you need to go back and restructure your sentences. That’s where you get creative.
It’s okay to get a big more descriptive than said sometimes, but substitute words is usually not the answer.
I actually think this works well XD I had so many “Saids” in my story. It’s 213 pages long so I need to go all over it again to fix all those mistakes XD
lol same! mine isn’t as long yet, but I still have to go back and change them all.
Said Is so boring I’m glad someone made this
This is so helpful. I can’t explain how thankful I am!
im writing a story about monsters at the moment i needed so much good word other than “said” and then i found this, this is so helpful, thanks!
I’m writing a story that using a lot of emotions, and this helped me a lot, thank you.
I am writing a new Percy Jackson book, and this helped me a lot.
so helpful! had no idea how much I used said until this!
This is SO helpful! I’m writing a book right now, and I have so many “said”s that I have to go change! (and, LizzyCupcakeAuthor12!, on one of the other posts I read the beginning of your story about the three orphans, and, by now you might have finished it, but it is AMAZING. Never give up writing!)
Thank you so much. I have to write a story for school and this was so helpful!!!😀😀😀
thank you so much! i’m not a native english speaker so i struggle sometimes, but this article helped me so much!
I am also writing a story! It´s for a school project I’m doing. It´s about a girl named sage who keeps living the same day over and over again. In order to fix it she has to touch a magic pendelum from an old grandfather clock wich got her into this mess in the first place.
That’s actually a really good idea! I’m in the middle of making an HP fanfic right now
OMG. That’s so interesting! If you ever want to publish it, I’ll be the first to purchase your book! 😀
Can concluded be used as well?
Yes, if you use it after the dialogue. It would probably work best if you use it after someone says a long paragraph or explains something with a lot of detail.
i wish i could be as good as enid blython or j.k rowling aka {joanne kathleen rowling} i finished them books im sad
Thank you so much for this! I’m trying to write a story and this helped so much!
This is very helpful. I will be sure to look at their stuff again. I’m trying to write a book for school and this helped tremendously!
This is amazing! It really improves my writing skills!
Thank you very much!! This helped a bunch!
So many unique and new ways to say ‘said’! I’m writing a short story essay for our dystopian unit in school, and this has helped SO much. Thank you 🙂
I’m currently writing a horror (but not that scary) chapter book series, and I need help for finding a word when they’re sad. If you can’t help me, that’s okay. I’m sure I’ll find a word. (P.S. To those who write stories too, I believe in you and good luck!)
I’m writing a story for my Reading class, and this helped me tremendously, thanks!
These really helped in one of my projects!
I’m writing a book, and this really helped. Highly recommend it.
I was writing a paper for school and I needed to find a word to use instead of said because I’m not allowed to use the word said in my paper, so this really helped. Thank you to whoever made this website!!!!!!
Really? You aren’t allowed to use the word said? Haven’t had that come up before.
yea it’s the same at my school/homeschool thing, there are banned words like: say; said and other overused words though at times it gets frustrating, it helps grow vocabulary and gets us used to using assertive words, and adjectives that are direct, and straight to the point, using words like: mumbled, breathed, quired, yelled and others add EMOTION to papers, essays, and stories
I started to write when I was eight years old. I have written more than ten stories to keep myself entertained during the long, boring winter. (and am currently working on one called the pack) Writing keeps me alive, and I often think about becoming an author when I get a little older. I found this website when I was around eight and a half, and it helped me to find other words than the plain old, ‘said’.
I have to agree with that, young lad. I also found this site very useful and probably the most useful source for “said” words. Make sure you keep you’re reader interested! 😉
I as well started when I was eight, I started writing fan fiction for some of my favorite stories, and we seem very alike, because I have a story called ‘The wolf packs’. Quite a coincidence.
Hey ya’ll! I’m 13, and I am officially finished my book and I’m publishing it really soon!! I just wanted to say thank you so this website for helping me reach my dream. I hope I can publish in the next few months, thank you for these words. It’s helped a ton!
I hope you find a publisher soon/are able to achieve your dream, Rose!
Wow. This helped! Im writing a story about a werewolf and this helped-
I came here for help with my DNF fanfic, Im taking your username as a sign lmao
I don’t know why, but I guess I have a lot of the same ideas as people, I also have a story that is called ‘Bewere’ about a Werewolf.
Thank you so much! I really needed this list of other words besides said!!!!!!! 🙂
I have a suggestion- whimpered. Fellow authors — present and future — you could also use this: “But then it would be . . . him!” She realized {or wondered, or anything related, of course!} aloud. Realized aloud. . .Just a tip!! Since most ppl read comments, you don’t have to put “whimpered” on your list. Thank you for this wonderful list, creator! Wow no one knew what the coronavirus was back in November 2016! btw I feel kinda bad for making the comment amount 221 instead of 220. BUT if someone comments again, it’ll be 222!
“this is nice ” stuttered molly “i know this place is amazing ” gigled polly “this place is so boring ” moared jon at the end: stuttered gigled moared
Thank you so much for these words! I’m writing a story about the day of the dead then realized I’m using said over and over!!
This is my favorite list because the organization just makes it so much easier to read. I hate walls of text with a burning passion.
This website has been a real help for me when I write!! 🙂
It’s sooooooo boring to use “said someone”
Thanks sooooo much, you don’t know how much this had helped me! Im writing a novel,and being only 11, I need to expand my vocabulary! (even tho I have a pretty big one already haha)
Said us the most commonly used and most boring word (apart from I and A ) in the entire dictionary! It is sooooooo boring! I’m writing a book and this really helps
I’m writing a book and this helped a lot.
Wow. I write stories and I was looking for other words then ‘said’. For my friends, I tried to read them my story. But I could see how bored they were. So I demanded them to tell me all the downsides to my story. And all three of them told me that I used ‘said’ WAY TO MUCH. So I re-read my writing and they weren’t wrong! I used it so much even I got bored of my own writing. So I looked for sites that’d give me some helpful word ideas and I came across this. TRUST ME, this is the best site. I love this and I think it is very helpful. Thank you to the creators of this website!
Using all of this won’t make the reader fall asleep when saying, “Said…said…said…”
Thx this really helped me with the story I’m currently writing – good one.
omg this was so helpful I felt like said,says and asked was all my vocabulary consisted of and this helps with my story!!
I am writing ✍🏻 a story and this has been very useful indeed , all ur words have been in handy especially when having so many ‘direct and indirect sentences’
I am writing a story as well. I had a brain fart for the word ‘said’ and looked up some meanings, and this helped out a LOT. Thank you so much
Tysm for this website! I am writing a realistic fiction/comedy/mystery, and also a Fantasy/Thriller and it is helping SO MUCH! I hope I can get it published one day, but… you know how life is… anyways wish me luck! Also, other words are Retorted, Countered, Glared, Calls, Affirmed, Greets. (Sorry if some of these are already on here) Also good luck everyone on their books!
Thanks! I’ll look out for your book if it gets published! What’s the name of your book!?
More words are: Inquired, Admitted, Accepted, Chided, Chirped, Piped, Announces, Scolds, Accused, Glowered, Snarled, Mused, Advised, again, sorry if there are already on here or someone else said them, I hope they help too!
Wow thank you so much I am a writer and somtimes I have a hard time replacing said though this made it fun and easy!!!
Im writing a book and I looked at this and exclaimed this helps! Thanks!
I was writing a story with cats, and all I could think to say instead of said was, “hissed, mewed, meowed, and spat.” I found this and it helps so so so much! Love this, and thank you whoever made this!
Yea I’m only 11 & 2 quarters and I’m righting a story and this helps me so MUCH
Yeah, me too! I’m also writing a story and I’m 11&11/12 (as in that I’ll be 12 in exactly one month). This has helped a LOT, although I’m going to have to use human words (like yelled, whispered, cried) for rabbits.
You could also use respond for the list
said is dead
does ‘shrugs’ work. it is kind of like, “I searched it up,” she shrugged.
Oh my gosh, you have NO idea how much I needed this. I am writing a book right now and the word “said” was getting repetitive. Thanks so much for this! 🙂
I love this! It helped me so much as I’m writing a book. Also made me laugh 🤣
Any suggestions for when a character is talking in an innocent way? (Besides innocently)
Thanks for making my short story so much better! It really is helpful
This helped me with a story that I had to type. I hate the word said, did, and because. I’m always correcting my friends when they talk.
I’m looking for something instead of though. But this helps! Thanks you! (I suck at writing narratives! It’s like I’m writing a whole book!)
I like to use “added” and “replied” alot.
I need something instead of “said”, but none of the alternates work for this sentence: “Hello, this is Violet Amorde,” she _____ brightly.
Chided, Chirped, Added, (Or said, Ig LOL)
Introduced her, maybe? That might work. Plus, if there’s other dialogue around it, you can get away with not using the tag.
I am writing a story and this has made my writing so much better
I’m writing a scary story for writing class, and this helped soooooo much. DEFINATELY much better than said. I am satisfied. I also like how the author explains everything too, in a relatable and entertaining way.😁
I am writing a essay and this helped me so much!!!
These help so much!
I was making an essay for something and this helped when I was trying to find a positive tone of wording rather than just said :]
This was really helpful with my homework! It gave me a lot of cool new words to use in stories. I’ll definitely use these for my classes.
I was wondering if you knew a good word for when someone says something in disbelief, shock, and disappointment. As if someone said something bad and someone else blurted out their name in disbelief. For example: To end the tourcher I blurted out the secrets to our captors, Nelly then (blank)”Tommy!”
As so say come on really, I can’t believe you’ve done this.
Like this?
I couldn’t take the torture any longer, I closed my eyes shut and blurted out the secrets to our captors. I opened my eyes to see Nelly’s disbelieving face,
“Tommy!” She cried out in vain,
Other examples:
“Tommy…” She wispered, eyes bubbling with tears
“Tommy!” She spat, “You idiot! Why would you say that?!”
“Tommy” She muttered, refusing to look at me
“Tommy,” She breathed, barely audible. Her [Blank] eyes staring into mine
Let me know if this helps!
I’ve always felt so uncomfortable writing dialogue like
“Hello!” Mary said.
so I’ve always written it like
Mary ran up to Parker and wrapped her arms around him. “Hello!”
and I’m just SO glad that’s not a bad way to do it 😁😁
Actually, in a way it makes your writing better. It sounds more… I cant think of the word
I would say included, and the reader can feel more like a part of the story.
I’ve been writing a story for about two weeks. It’s kind of difficult since I’m only in 7th, and I don’t know a lot of words besides said, so this help a lot ( ̄︶ ̄)↗
Oml, thx for making this i am writing a narrative for my school and was like “ugh i hate the word, ‘said’ and i hated the others because they only listee like 2 or 3 words
I SO agree with you! I am writing a english essay, and I needed other words than said. I wanted it to be more interesting, because said gets really boring really fast.
So, great website! Great words, great advice! I have some advice too. Many times it makes your writing stronger to not use dialouge tags at all. Not saying u should NEVER use them, that would be utterly stupid. But don’t use them EVERY time. There’s a time for everything. A parent giving a talking-to to their kid is probably best for no dialouge tags. But a friendly conversation could benefit from them. Also, if you have a lot of characters I recommend making a separate doc with the list of characters and traits on it. One other thing; said can get boring and useless. Its a fact. But, dont let it get that way. At the same time, still use it, maybe even use it A LOT. Like
“Blah blah” She said cheerfully
“Blah blee blah blah” He grinned
“Blah blah blah blee blah” Molly giggled
Use said, dont overuse it, and make it interesting!
But, for those times where I want another word this was very helpful. Im writing a book about magic. I want to get it published someday, it may or may not happen. Its going to be a five book series that follows a girl, her best friend, and her twin sister, along with another friend. They go on quests, there’s a fair amount of fighting and betrayl. And more than just a touch of magic. I’ve already fallen in love with both my main character and her best friend. My brother has fallen in love with the twin sister and the best friends brother. I take this as a good sign. Maybe someday I’ll reach my goal. Best of luck to all of you! Dont give up!
I have IEW, (Institute for Excellence in Writing), and I’m working on my final draft. All I could think of was, ‘Jane `said`, “I’m going to call the babysitter and check on the kids”, which I can’t use say or said, so I’ve been having a struggle. I looked up ‘different words for say and said’, because none of the ones I have in my binder where quite good enough. After searching different link I didn’t like many times, I found this one. SO many were perfect, but I only needed one. It’s funny how I was really struggling and couldn’t find or think of a perfect word, and then now I there is way to many perfect words! I also don’t know how you thought of all of these words! It’s making me bamboozled! Thank you a LOT for this site that you put all of your time into, because I will be using this page a bunch!!😂
This was so helpful thank you.
Other words for said could be utter, note, presume, pronounce, comment, and mention.
I use this link all the time and I also share it with my friends and family
hate this, it is amazing
How do you hate it AND it’s amazing? Do you hate amazing things?
Grumbled is another good word.
I write a book series (And I’m only 11 not to brag) and I use this whenever I get stuck
same, i’m also young and i’ve written multiple books on wattpad with thousands of views, im working on my fourth!
this website helped me a lot! it has great words and makes writing sound a lot better. could you also add in “guess” to the “asking” category? but it was super helpful and easy, thank you!
Thank you! I’m writing a novel and I was stuck- this really helped! 🙂
This really helped me with toy stories I’ve been writing.
thanks so much. I never knew there were so many ways to say things!
These are so so useful! Thank you!
Smiled is a good one
EX. Luca smiled “I guess its all settled then”
I write stories too but I need some for words for like when there in pain or worried.
painfully exclaimed
said worridly
sighed in worry
cried in pain
shouted in pain
Screamed in agony
Said, gasping for breath
Said anxiously
Said uneasily.
Screamed and shook in agony
I always come here when I get stuck on wording my dialogue to find the words to match it how it sounds in my head. It’s been a big help for me. I’ve also been thinking about making a book based on a true story, I’d have to get permission from my friend, but I’m still trying to decide. I don’t know if I should start it though, I’ve got an entire huge drawer full of WIPs and am still getting ideas for new stories.
“said” is so boring. It’s like using “very” when describing everything. You can make your stories so much more interesting if you use a little imagination and creativity instead of using “said” all the time.
this kinda save my life i’m an editor for a small story and theres so many saids-
same. i’m writing a wattpad story and this saved my life.
I’m writing my first ever biography and this was extremely helpful
this helps with all my story’s thank tou
I am SO bad at writing things without said. It is such a bad habit at this point. This list has helped me so much! My dearest thanks!
Thank You! I am writing a story and I need to change the word said ALOT TYSM!! <3 🙂
I’m writing a story, and this helped honestly so much. I am a very descriptive writing and this is definitely helping my creative imagination run wild. Tysm.
I’m currently writing a story about a coffee shop where dead famous people come and I needed other words then said! Thanks you so much this helped a ton!
This helped me so much with my story. Thx!
This really came at the perfect timing when I needed words to replace said this is a lifesaver
I was writing an essay and i searched up “words to replace said” and i found this i love those words that are up there
Not being rude to blog, but I despise words like said and anything that replaces them. In my opinion it is easier to avoid words like that in favor of adding detail:
ie “‘we could go to the beach,’ he said” sounds so much better as “‘We could go to the beach,” his eyes were hopeful and he smiled.”
But, is it better than “we could go to the beach,’ he queried” actually, I think that has a ring to it, depending on the context. I mean, I don’t think many authors would add that much detail in a sentence like that, unless it was romantic or something, at least I wouldn’t. That is adding too much detail to a simple sentence. Like putting lipstick on a pig. You only really need to add detail to moments in your book that are really important, or just moments you want your reader to remember.
said is dead!
Helped me so much in my writing it just brightens up my writing.
I”m writing a horror story and this helped tons.
btw my book is called the haunted dollhouse because i’m a huge horror fan
Can I read it? It sounds interesting!
Bellowed is a good one when someone is loud.
I really appreciate this website. It helps a lot with the story I am writing.
This really helped! Thank you!
Thank you for this list. It has helped me with school work and helped me with writing my book Millie and the Lost Diamond. I’m a enormous J.K Rowling fan and Harry Potter. Comment back if your the same!
guys this too much comments for anyone to read!
another good one is, “chimed”. It really helps when the character in question is overly happy about something. For example, ” “I am really looking forward to coming over tonight!” He chimed.”
croaned is one I like, especially when showing love or care
proclaimed is one I use
bemused I think you can use that one
retracted when taking something back
relented same
am I the only one who has this tab open every time they’re writing a story lol xD
I also always have it open while I write.
This really helped me with some dialogue in my story, it used to be:
“Oh really?” Asked Rust.
“I’m sure of it,” Dew said.
“Well, then, where’s the proof?” Rust told him.
It turned into:
“Oh, really?” Rust snarled.
“I’m sure of it,” Dew gave him a weary look as he muttered.
“Well, then, where’s the proof?” Rust inquired.
I feel that I have about one million stories in progress, Mystic Kingdoms, Bewere, The Keeper, The Forgotten Power, An Abstract story, Life in 4th Grade (Started this in fourth grade, somehow not done), Dragonslayer, How It All Began, Nessi, New Dawn Old Dusk, Destiny In The Making.
This helped me alot, thanks i guess.
notice that a lot of these came from Harry Potter
yep! I finished my first book and now i’m writing another one I spent hours looking for this website. SO HELPFUL!
very help full im righting a book about a witch called far away still making it but because of this its helping so much
This was so helpful for my writing! Thx!
I’m writing a book called champion. I have people in place, and plans to get it published(self-published actually). I am 13, writing this book with my best friend Sadie (one of the main characters), and one of my dreams is to be a writer, as a thirteen-year-old, I’m taking control of my experience with writing, and putting it toward my book. I know many authors, many self-published people, some people’s books have profited, some not, but I’m taking control of my future, building my creativity, and learning. As a teen, this will help build my confidence for the future, and if my book does profit, it will give me an opportunity for a career in writing. This has helped, by taking my character’s conversations and adding emotions.
That’s super cool, I wish you good luck on your book
I NEED OPINIONSSSS i am writing a book, champions is the title, and the main characters are luke,sadie (who are d8ing) amealia,mason,and julia SHOULD THERE BE ROMANCE BETWEEN MASON&AMEALIA (btw amealia is the main character)
This will help me loads!
One other word I dont think they mentioned is Confessed
Thank you sooooo much. I’m 13 and I’m getting into writting so I’m writting my first story/book. I’m so excited to use these in my story!! ^-^
I am using this list while writing my book, and this is helping me a lot as a young writer. Thanks for making it!
I’ve used this in soooo many stories i’ve written, it’s super helpful. I have been using this for almost a year.
I love this! I am writing a story right now and using “said” all the time gets repetitive. This helped a ton!
I’m writing a book and this really lent a helping hand. Using ‘said’ when writing dialogue is so boring.
This was so useful!
gotta agree w/ @ethan the word said has been overused way too much lately
This article has helped me write a story. It’s hard to find other words besides said. It’s nice to have a source that will help you with personal and professional writing.
Also, this website helped me so much!
One word this didn’t mention was probably ” grinned “
Oh wait, I just realized they did mention “grinned “! Alright, never mind!
I didn’t see “sassed” on the lists; I use that a lot.
Hello, I’d just like to tell you you put ‘screamed’ twice.
Wow! I am writing a story and this is helping a LOT!
I recently participated in a four-week dialogue clinic at the local community college, and we debated this subject. What surprised me was that I went back and re-read Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” and the entire novel was nearly entirely written with “said/say/saying” and “ask/asked/asking.” Obviously, we all can’t write like Mary Shelley, but we should ask ourselves what we are compensating for with our need for stronger dialogue tags.
I found this when i was 10, and now im almost 15 and still use it, i love this thing tysmm